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About Heronidas New Generation

Bridging Art and Social Change

Heronidas New Generation is more than just a nonprofit organization; it's a commitment to art and empowering the next generation. Born from the vision of a young dreamer in 2009, it became a reality in 2019, amidst challenges and obstacles, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Mission

At Heronidas New Generation, we believe in the power of art to inspire, educate, and transform communities. Our mission is to create innovative artistic projects that blend artistic expression with social impact. We are dedicated to strengthening education, supporting the new generations, and fostering positive change in the communities we serve.


Art as an Agent of Change

From educational programs that ignite the creativity of young minds to artistic projects that address important social issues, we work tirelessly to use art as an agent of change. We believe in the capacity of creative expressions to inspire meaningful conversations and create a better world.

Our Journey

Heronidas New Generation began as a dream in the heart of a young individual and has now become a reality that has touched lives and communities. Over the years, we have forged strong partnerships and witnessed how art becomes a bridge that connects people and fosters growth.

Join Our Cause

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. If you share our passion for art, education, and social change, there is a place for you at Heronidas New Generation. Every contribution, whether it's time, talent, or support, makes a difference in the lives of the new generations and in our communities.

Together, We Create a Brighter Future

At Heronidas New Generation, we believe in the power of the new generations to forge a better future. Through art and support, together we create opportunities, inspiration, and a path to positive change.

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